September 17, 2014

800bhp Trophy Truck tears through Mexico

Ensenada, Mexico is home to the start of the epic Baja 1000. It's a race that, as TG found out a couple of years back, strips you to your bare essence of fragile, puny, fleshy human and gives you a kick in the crotch while it's there.

Top Gear at the legendary Baja 1000

Today, we find Ensenada, Mexico is also home to one of the most insane Trophy Truck videos we've ever seen. You must stop what you're doing and watch it immediately.

In it, Monster Energy driver BJ Baldwin is set a very simple challenge by his good friend Dan Bilzerian: to win, he must make it from the city limits to the beach in 20 minutes. Simple, right?

Well, mostly. Like any fine craftsman, it's all about using the correct tool for the job. And thus, Baldwin straps himself into the mother of all tools - an 800bhp Trophy Truck  - and promptly tears Ensenada a new one in his bid to make it to the beach on time.

A Trophy Truck that TG has actually driven, too, which you can read about below. It's insane.

Trophy Trucks: the ultimate desert racers

Brian Scotto, creative director behind the video and chief brand officer at Hoonigan (that's Ken Block's company), said: "I had always wanted to see BJ's Trophy Truck taken out of its natural environment (the desert) and allowed to thrash through an urban setting.

"We realised the best location was right under our noses - the start of the Baja 1000 (an event BJ has won back to back 2012-2013). The city of Ensenada loves off road racing and especially BJ Baldwin. It offers a great hilly landscape that provided us with excellent jumps and drop offs, as well as a great mix of tarmac and dirt roads to vary the feel throughout the film," he added.

Ah yes, jumps. There are many jumps. There are 360 degree spins. There is some fire. There are more jumps. There are slides. There is noise. And, um, did we mention the jumps?

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